6.01 Youth Without Youth

I makeover Nancy and don’t even get to take a picture of her when my camera is pulled over to Kat.

Kat: I don’t want to leave Eli behind ):

She can’t be much behind you. I’m sorry Kat ):

Everyone comes out to mourn Kat. Of course, Eli is the first one on the scene.

Nancy gets a job after grim takes Kat’s soul. She starts at level 3 since she had an A in school. Which is nice.

Heres a better picture of her makeover. I think this is her cold weather outfit.

Jake is invited over come morning and he’s asked to move in. No romance yet. He’s a vegetarian which is weird since he’s a werewolf but, okay. He’s also good and outgoing. This reminds me that I have to update the family tree!

And Kat’s death reminds me – What should I do with Eliza and Caleb? They’re vampires so they’re immortal. Originally I was going to make a perk resetting potion and “accidently” leave them in the sun but at the same time… I dunno? I’ll figure it out by the end of generation 6. Suggestions are welcome.

Since she needs friends to finish up Friends of the World, Nancy heads to the werewolf bar to meet people. Sadly, not a lot of people seem to want to show up.

This werewolf lady does show up and… if only Nancy had met her before Jacob. What’s done is done though. Her mate has been picked.

She needs to make 8 more friends before she’s done. She’s already level 10 Charisma, so all she has to do is greet people to become Good Friends with them since she has Good Manners. This is the Wedding Pack world, but I’ve only visited it once or twice so we come here to find more people.

It’s crowded in here! Nancy says hello to everyone and boom! Twenty friends!

Nancy: Easy Peasy!

That it is.

Nancy: Baby time?

Not even close. She’s already level 5 of her career but that doesn’t mean we’ll have time to finish it before baby time. I might make amends with just having one kid for generation 7 and then the last few generations have heir votes.

Oh wait, now she’s done. She just had to make a BFF with her mate? Boyfriend? I don’t know, they have the Werewolf Soulmates thinger. I’m gonna call him her boyfriend.

She’s angry again. Probably from sleeping at night. Its not something that can really be helped though.

Level 9 yet?

Eliza: Yeah ): It’s taking forever to get this promotion.

It really is. She barely gains anything every time she goes to work. She’s just about there though!

She even has two days off, so off to the Grotto she goes. When she gets there, there was this lady and all these kids? WTF? They ran away though so that’s good. Still no angler fish ):< Literally 3 fish needed and I cannot catch that one to save my life.

Such a professional. She’s practicing a speech. I don’t have her go to work a lot. She mostly works from home, which is nice.

Jacob’s rage fills up and yeah. Of course you look like that. Pfft. I guess with Eliza marrying Caleb we almost have the cast of Twilight in the house.

JACOB NO! He’s shredding the couch ):<

Control your boyfriend

Nancy: Nah, why don’t we look at this light while I eat my meat instead?

She does go to “control” her bf then. Don’t worry, its just a woohoo, not a tfb.

Kris is invited over because Jacob keep getting strikes with his pack. So we have Jacob leave the pack. Kris is a cool guy and wishes Jacob well.

So Kris and Jacob can stay close, Kris gets a key. An oversized key.

Here’s some work from home action. But its not really work from home with Nancy having to head to the city. She leads a protest that gets nowhere.

Then she paints a mural, trying to gain traction for her cause. Which is People of the World, I believe. I don’t remember what I picked.

Then she and Jacob head to the Festival of Snow for some fun.

Which isn’t very fun because Nancy takes a nap in the snow. So much for a romantic date.

Rage time bby.

Tho I will say, I do enjoy the rage mechanic in this game. I think it’s well done and no two werewolves I’ve played have been the same. Sure, they may have the same sort of rage triggers, but they always get a fun and different mix. I really do think the Sims team did well with Werewolves.

The next day its time for a speech to the sea. She does get some people who come over and listen. That’s good. She’s getting some traction!

She heads out for a dive or two. There is a fin spotted in the water. I flip out thinking my generation is over.

But its a dolphin! Oh my god, look at him!

HE LETS HER PET HIM!! LOOK AT HOW HAPPY HE IS! We don’t name him but we do play with him before he swims off into the sunset. How cute!

Sadly, I have to send Nancy home because its a full moon. Meaning her and Jacob have quite a night ahead of them. I send them to Moonwood Mills because I don’t care if they destroy stuff there. Why’s Eliza there? For one reason only.

Moonpetal. Only blooms on the full moon. If it wasn’t snowy out, she’d get the lunar fish as well. That’s one of the three fish we need. Still, this bad boy will do for now. Prize had, she heads home.

And these two cause unholy terror for the entire night. They break toilets, shred seats, just destruction and mayhem the entire night. We def have to send them here every full moon so they don’t destroy the house.

But with that, I think I’ll end the chapter. A lot was done today. Nancy is level 5 or 6 of her career but I think we’re just gonna have a child anyway so we don’t push too close too her Adult birthday. I think she has 7 days until it happens? I’m not sure. This was all played through yesterday. I really am trying to do chapters as I play, so you don’t get months without an update. We have the Thrifty blog to play through yet and wow…. I am not really excited about many of those challenges (i kid, i’m very excited!).

5.05 Howl

Birthday time! Nancy is now a teenager and ready to take on the world! But wait, let me fix that bad cc.

There we are sweetie!

Nancy: Thanks I guess.

Tbh, Nancy is my least favorite looking heir… for now. I really warm up to her soon because well. Shes awesome.

And she does know how to smile!

Eliza: Just planting some plants.

For nothing in particular eh?

Nancy spends a lot of her time skilling and having a good time. She’s level 5 in charisma already and will be doing Friend of the World because she’s going into the Political career.

Another day, another promotion. She’s now level 8 and the captain! We’re so close!

Eliza: Not close enough!

Eliza: Don’t mind me (:

No ones minding you girl.

What Eliza was making was the vampire cure. We’ve been prepping this for a while. My original plan for Nancy was to turn her into a mermaid but plans have changed. Either way, no more vampire!

Nancy: Ew my heart started beating

That’s a good thing because in my game we have werewolves! I had only played up to Nancy’s birthday before but now with werewolves in the game, we have a plan. We still need a mermaid and an alien, but Nancy’s kid can marry a mermaid. Surely there must be one and if there’s not one in world, we can make someone one.

Caleb: Our daughter is planning on marrying a werewolf.

Eliza: So? As long as he doesn’t shed on the couch.

Skilling is going slower now that Nancy has to sleep, but shes getting it done. And her ears are normal now! Nice!

Three generations of painters!

Another day, another case. We gather evidence one day, go arrest someone the next and then I send her to work alone until she gets her promotion. Usually takes her about 5 days to get there.

But it’s the weekend, meaning no work for Eliza so we can take Nancy on a hike! In a mysterious little town in the middle of nowhere…

She fines a strange tree with a hole in and people hanging out around it.

Oh look, it’s exactly who we wanted. Jacob Vo… uh Va….? Uh… Who cares. This is Jacob and he’s gonna be the next spouse.

Let making a friend commence. He doesn’t have the curse to give to us though so we’ll be making friends with someone else who might share their gift.

Like this man! He doesn’t seem too interested in talking to Nancy for long though. He keeps walking away, but we’ll get him. Eventually. But for now, Nancy had to go home and get her mood up once more.

A few hours later and after a little bit of Spooky Day fun, we invite Kris over for a bite. Bad joke? Bad joke.

I love how everyone else gets the scared moodlet and Nancy is just like Huh, thats pretty neat.

A quick and painful bite later, Nancy is officially infected. The next thing on our to-do list is make Jacob her boyfriend before he marries someone as a young adult.

Nancy is mostly unaffected by the pain. To be honest her resting bitch face is growing on me. She looks so angry all the time and I love it. However, she’s eating like a million things. This is her third plate of cheesy bread in a row and her hunger won’t stay up.

Her father is making something special for her when she feels funny.

Why are the two of you cowering? You’re literally powerful and immortal vampires. This is just silly.

Her first action as a werewolf? Text someone. AGGRESSIVELY

I’m actually dying of laughter. Of course I chose I WILL EAT YOUR SOFA. Its just funny.

She digs up the yard and gets yelled at by her grandma Eli. She just snarls at her and runs off.

Then she SMASHES THE FRIDGE? Wtf Nancy?!

Nancy: I feel better now (:

You are a bad wolf.

One of the best perks to get for werewolves is the wolf nap one. They can sleep anywhere on the ground and it gets them well rested super fast. Oh and her first werewolf quirk is a love for… fresh meat.

She still goes to school even as a wolf. Her grandmas help her with a school project because her mood is poor and its building her rage fast.

She’s a Runt now and can hunt for her own meat. I mean find it. Somewhere. Her rage just keeps building though because now she likes to be up at night and sleep in the day. This isn’t going to make her career easy…

It’s time to get romantic with Jacob now that Nancy is a werewolf, and look how handsome he is.

They spend they day becoming good friends and when their bar is high, Nancy begins flirting.

Uhhhhh okay. Didn’t know soulmates were canon in Sims. But also ignore the fact that her name is Kate. I’ll change it in CAS for her YA birthday. I just forgot on her teenage birthday ahaha.

Who cares if he’s her one true love fated by the moon. The most important fact is he’s her legacy love.

He really seems to like her which I love. I love it when a couple is truly in love. On another note, I’ve officially broken the legacy pattern. Did you notice it? Every other generation had a same-sex partner. Nix, Helena, Kat had male partners. Rose and Eliza had female partners. Following the pattern, Nancy should have had a female partner. Oh well. After she gets to level 10 of her future career, we get to have heir votes and thats the important part!

Once Jake leaves at 2am she spends the rest of her night filled with rage as a werewolf. She does now have the option to transform at will at least.

And it’s harvest day! But no werewolf gnome ): Maybe next year.

Nancy gets into yoga, which I hope helps with rage. I doubt it does, but wellness is still a nice skill.

While Nancy is working on inner peace, the microscope collection is completed! Yes!

Thinking about collections and the fact that we’re over half-way done with this challenge, I send Eliza and Nancy out for some mother-daughter bonding. Fun fact, thats Thomas! The strange alien-human!

We catch what we need from the beach and head off on vacation. We need a mountain lionfish! Eliza is on the mission. Caleb is here so he’s not stuck at home with two old ladies.

First things first, off to the deep woods.

Gosh the graphics really have me now. I’m just so in love with this game again.

Nancy is here too, collecting bugs. The rarest ones spawn here after all.

I don’t know if we’ll finish the bug collection but we have a Will-O-Whisp so that’s pretty neat.

A snowy stroll under the waxing moon. We gotta be outta the woods by tomorrow or there are going to be some animal attacks.

Eliza catches the lionfish and Nancy sticks around to catch some new critters. This little buggers are my favorite type of bug.

While we don’t have any of the plants, we do have fish and bugs to put in the sealed collection room.

Next on the list is catching an angler fish. Eliza stayed here 28 hours and never caught one >.< She maxed out fishing though and that’s great! More points, but we’ll get even more if we get that danged angler.

Our current fishing wall. We only need like 3 more fish! I wish Eliza could have stated longer but something important came up!

That’s right! Nancy’s birthday!

She’s officially a young adult! Happy birthday Nancy!

Next time Eliza will finish her career (she’s level 9), Nancy will start her’s, Jacob will move in since he was 2 days older than Nancy. Maybe Kat and Eli will kick the bucket? They have the long lived trait and I guess they wanna stick around until Nancy has her kid(s?!). I’m gonna get Nancy started on her career as soon as possible and shes gonna work her butt of. If she can top it fast, maybe we can have kids afterwards? Who knows! I’m posting pictures as I play so I’m not sure what happens next either.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Next chapter will be soon ❤

5.04 Freestyle

Its been a while. I have no excuse, let’s just go!

Kat: Lalala Playing my guitar

Eli: Some of us actually work, you know!

Nancy is the cutest I swear. Everyone in the house loves her. They all flock to her like mad.

Nancy: Daddy, I can do it myself

Caleb: I have not waited this long to be in a legacy challenge to not help my legacy child.

From guitar to yoga, Kat lives the good life as an elder.

Caleb works with the bar now and he’s a pain in my booty because he makes a million drinks and they all rot.

Eliza is actually a lush now too. If the drinks don’t rot, she’s often double fisting them.

Kat has taken up painting as her hobby. I know that in Sims 3, an elder’s paintings shot up in value after their passing so… we may be hoarding many of these in Eliza’s inventory. I do place the ones I like though.

Kat get off that!

Kat: Make me (:

These things are death traps. Someone almost dies from them everyday. Today’s victim is Caleb. The next day is Kat, I believe, but I don’t know if I have a picture of it. We’ll discover together.

At least Kat is a total badass and comes running out with no prompt from me. I am doing the no-control-elders challenge, so I’m thankful she has her head in the game.

This picture is just rather cool, the two of them fighting the fire together. Eliza looks scared though. I guess she knows vampires and fire doesn’t mix.

She is such a cutie. She’s precious. I can’t wait for you to grow up kiddo.

Kat had accepted a job via phone a day before she aged up. Since I can’t control her anymore, she went by herself and came back in this. I’m pretty sure she was supposed to do another cowboy movie. I don’t know why she’s a voidcritter.

Caleb…. that’s not how you bathe a child. You know what? Do what you want.

Kat, you old lush.

Kat: What? I don’t drink any of them!

Everyone flocks to Nancy when they’re not playing at the bar. This kid is loved more than any other, I swear. Shes spoiled as all get out.

See? Her grandmothers won’t leave her alone to skill in peace. They’re always right on top of her.

Finally fort the bar back, huh Caleb?

Caleb: She’s distracted with Nancy. I gotta skill while I can!

Eliza runs off to work by herself for a day so I can focus on Nancy and Caleb. He needs more levels to gain a promotion and I want Nancy to be a Top Notch Toddler.

I went to put some collections in the collection room and its dirty. Why is it dirty? Sims can’t get down here!

I know I take a lot of pictures of Nancy but she is the cutest!

I mean look at her!

Nancy: Heck yeah I’m cute!

Caleb: Ah yes, its so hot out!

What… are you wearing? Is that your hot weather outfit? What in the literal heck Caleb?!

Ignoring his terrible outfit, he’s here to fish so we can make more plasma packs. He usually makes around fifty at a time to split between himself and Eliza.

She mastered potty training here! She’s well on her way to top notch toddler!

It was Kat. Well, not surprising.

Kat: Help!!

Elois: Oh my, would you look at that…

Eliza: I smell burning, are we having a barbecue to celebrate my promotion?

Kat: Thanks for saving my life. You’re not so bad for a vampire.

Caleb: You’re my wife’s mother and I don’t want to deal with a mourning toddler.

Eliza takes up handiness so she can upgrade everything in the house.

And she begins the thankless work of upgrading everything shortly after. They don’t have too man electronics but they have enough that its going to be a pain.

Eli: How nice it is, to not have to worry about doing chores.

Kat: Oh yes, very nice.

Eli needs depends. She pisses herself a lot. I think its because shes always drinking whatever Caleb/Kat makes at the bar. Once he maxes that skill, its going into the family inventory.

C’mon Nancy! Imagination is your last skill to master!

Nancy: I’m reading as fast as I can!

The messes were a necessary evil. Her imagination is maxed!

Nancy: Daddy stop playing with the bottles and make my birthday cake.

Caleb: One minute sweetie!

Annnnnd Kat is one fire again.

Nancy didn’t get her birthday for another day, since Eliza had to go to work and Caleb had to work and just… It was a mess. But here’s the baby girl’s birthday.

And here she is! That hair doesn’t stay long. It’s majorly glitched sadly.

She gets her creative vibe on right away.

Here’s her hair less than 12 hours after her birthday. I don’t like it as much, but its still cute.

Eliza won’t leave her daughter alone to work. They’re always hugging and talking.

Eli thinks about her childhood, her marriage and what brought her life to this moment. It’s apparently not a happy memory because she’s mad afterwards.

Eliza joins her mother on painting duty. I believe they finally surpassed 400k in money.

But life goes on and what a simple life it is. Eliza helps Nancy with her homework.

And works on cases where he coworkers are useless.

She and Caleb always make time for each other too. I’m getting a little bored of this generation ngl. That’s why my updates have been slow. But oh do I have plans for the next generation.

We’ll end the chapter with some mother-daughter panting time. I’ve played until Nancy is a teenager, but I think what I want to do is play until Nancy is a young adult. I’m ready for the next generation already. The detective career is kind of a pain. But Kat is like level so only 4 more levels until she can retire.

5.03 Going, going, going

I remember we can have TVs and they get one. It’s not the biggest one, but now they can participate in premiere day. That’s what they’re doing right now.

Back to the easel, Kat?

Kat: I’m honoring Rose.

Which reminds me; this is Eloise’s career level. She’s not really worked on it. Good thing it doesn’t count for anything.

Caleb: I feel like I’m missing something.

Yeah, you’re supposed to be cooking. Move it, boy.

Eliza: I hate this book.

Keep reading it! You need to be immune to sun!

Caleb just cooks and cooks and cooks. The fridge will be stocked until the end of this challenge.

Wow. Good things we have phones back to participate in things like this. Of course, we tell her to do it.

She’s barely in her second trimester. Why is she so big? How many babies are in there?!

Eliza: One. I hope.

Me too.

She does get the Vampire Lore skill done at least. Her first adult one!

Plasma break! Yum, yum!

Caleb is so in love with Eliza. He’s always running up to touch her tummy.

Good for you, Lilith! She’s in the painting career, btw.

Oh you crazy kids. It’s Caleb and Eliza btw.

Kat, you always look grumpy or like you’re plotting something. I’m always scared of you.

Kat: Good.

Eliza: Ah, back to work.

She stares at the cork board, wondering about the case she’s working on.

She heads out to look at the crime scene herself and it takes me a moment to realize where we are.

This is Caleb’s old house! Lilith must have moved out!

These ladies live here now. I’m not sure if they’re vampires or what.

Still, its on the board. Eliza will crack this case!

When she gets home, she sees that Kat mastered painting now too. Sigh, your work was done woman. What are you doing?

Its so funny seeing her do this while being in her cop uniform. Though, since she rarely sleeps, she never changes out of it unless she gets a bath.

Eliza: I am miserable again.

Yes, probably because you’re in labor.

Eliza: Where’s my husband?

Cleaning the tub. What a good father. His kid will need a nice clean bathtub.

This house is very yellow.

Eliza: Why? Why now? I’m pushing out a baby!

Oh yeah….

Eli: Hey, got a moment to chat?


Eli: Oh yeah…

Eliza: Welcome to the world, you little-

It’s a girl! Her name was originally gonna be Kate, for the woman who became the first female detective in America. I changed that recently though and her name will be Nancy – as in Nancy Drew! Kate is just too close to Kat. I didn’t like it.

As is such with her family, right after giving birth, Eliza runs off to work.

Eliza: Sweet freedom

She has to go on patrol… near her own house? I didn’t even know that was a thing. She’s gotta move quick though because it’s sunny and she’s not immune!

I was so anxious that I didn’t take any photos. She made it back in one piece though, her energy was just a little low. She’s right back to work, of course.

Eliza: Time for my first real arrest. I already see the culprit!

Eliza: It was you! You vandalized my husband’s old home!

Teenager: My only crime is having a terrible cc hair style!

Eliza: Too bad, so sad, get in the cuffs.

She gets back and starts to get her energy back before I realize… wait a minute. The kid didn’t come back with us! Hey!

Teenager: Finally, I can enjoy a game of chess in peace

Teenager: Aw fiddlesticks.

Eliza: Escape again and I won’t be a good cop anymore.

Eliza: Let’s make this quick so I can get my promotion.

Teenager: I ain’t talking.

But when Eliza offers him a whole box of donuts, he sings like a bird. Case closed. He was dared to mess with the vampires, only to find out they don’t exist. Or so he thinks anyway.

Eliza has joined her mother in painting. If only because we need to make more money. We’ve been sitting at 300k for a while.

Caleb is a good dad. Even if Nancy doesn’t want to be cared for.

Jeeze, Lilith, decide your own life. Thats why I have MCCC.

Kat is such a good grandmother. The moment Nancy so much as whimpers, she’s right there.

Caleb: Is cooking all I’m good for?


Surprise! He was actually cooking for a dinner party! He’s working on his goals, slowly but surely. Lilith and Eliza even eat some food (and then go to puke).

The Kat decides to flirt with Lilith. Wtf Kat! No! NO!

Kat: But what if I was immortal (;


At least at the party, this happens. Now to work on baking.

Uh…. but you were just flirting with…

Kat: Immortal (;

Blow out the candles. Time for me to lose control of you.

Kat: I can’t be immortal so I’ll eat the cake before Eli blows out the candles!


Caleb bakes another an Eli goes and eats that one right away. What. The. Fruitcake.

We cut to a much more important birthday. A little bundle of joy! Whose inquisitive.

AHHH SHES SO CUTE. She’s all Caleb too. That’s really nice, actually.

Finally, a look at our old ladies. Kat is graceful as ever.

And Eli is stunning! I’m so sad these two are elders, but they should have probably been so days ago. They still have some time left, I’m going to miss them when they’re gone though!

With that, I’m gonna wrap up this chapter. This is actually as far as I’ve played, so I have some playing to do. I’ve been a little addicted to 7 Days To Die lately, but I’ll get back to playing sims here soon. I wanna complete this legacy sooner rather than later.

5.02 Shiny & New

Eliza: I am uncomfortable.

It’s probably that huge bite mark in your next tbh. And the fact you’re turning into a vampire.

Since Kat doesn’t work anymore, she paints. And paints. Since she’s not in the painter career we don’t have to keep any of her art, but I will anyway. The house could always use more art.

Eli comes home, and pulls a cake out of her butt? Hello? Excuse me? What the fudge?

Eli: It’s chocolate fudge cake (:

Paintings by Kat. She just loves to paint now. Not sure whats up with that.

Since she’s turning into a vampire, shes reading the vampire novels. We can’t purchase plasma yet, so we have to make it. Good thing its an easy fix.

Then she needs to practice her charisma for work. We’re a good cop, of course, but we need to be able to talk to people!

Caleb is the cooking career so he’s practicing his cooking. He’s making food for the next five generations. Yes, we still have food from Nix btw.

Eli: Stupid vampire, flirting with my daughter!

Looks like they’re doing a little more than flirting tbh. Their first woohoo isn’t in the most comfortable of places.

Eliza: Oof, I think I ate bad food.

Caleb: Not at all, it’s time for you to join the darkness.

Caleb is sure excited that Eliza is transforming. I actually cackled at him cheering her on.

The vampire forms in this game need work. Or maybe I should just delete my cc folder.

This is her dark form after I give her a makeover. Nothing much difference; just some red eyes and goth clothing.

She has to go arrest someone almost right away. Good thing its cloudy out! She’s not gonna burn up! I forgot how long it takes to build up the immunity to sun.

Eliza: You have white hair, jeans and you’re the only person at the park right now! It has to be you!

Guy: Hey, isn’t this cheating?

Eliza: Save it for the judge!

Sadly, after being able to arrest someone, she’s sent back to the office where she takes reports from incoming pedestrians. This man let his cat fluffykins climb a tree for the fifteenth time this week.

Eliza: Fluffykins is in the tree again.

Coworker: I’m not getting him down again. Screw that.

With the matter of Fluffykins up in the air, Eliza does some jogging to clear her mind. Will that cat ever get out of the tree? No one would ever know.

The rest of the word day is boring. I send her outside to the sun and let her mediate to regain her energy. She needs to level fast.

She really bonds with everyone. She’s actually nearly friends with almost everyone in the office. I hope they all stick around tbh.

This is the plasma patrol. Aka, Kat has level 10 fishing and Caleb is a vampire with the ability to make fish into said plasma.

The two of them stay here about eight hours. Caleb is trying to get his fishing up too. Kat will be an elder before we know it!

They return home for FlowerBunny Day. And oh, is the flowerbunny waiting. He’s always waiting.

Eliza is feeding from her one mother again. She does this sort of thing when she can for the points. She always looks like she’s having second thoughts.

Because I thought it’d be funny, I made Caleb make the flowerbunny give him a drink. Forgot that he’s a guilty drinker. He was upset for a while. It was worth it though.

It was that night that I remembered that Eliza and Caleb weren’t married so… it’s time, I think. I’m ready for them to have a baby.

Caleb accepts. And he doesn’t even cry… too much.

Caleb: I’m not crying at all!

They get married privately on a foggy morning. They gotta be quick because Eliza still isn’t immune to the sun!

Kat: My baby girl is getting married! Why?

Probably because that’s how a legacy works.

They truly do look so cute together. I love them sm.

The new Mr and Mrs Riley!

Caleb wastes no time asking for some woohoo. It’s a tfb too.

They have chosen to woohoo as bats, right at the alter. Alright then. You crazy kids.

Elizabeth really does look stunning in that wedding dress. I don’t have the wedding pack yet, but I’m gonna get it soon. Maybe her kid will be the first to marry that way.

I had cc wallpaper that vanished on me, but we’re expecting! Yay!

Too bad Caleb isn’t excited at all.

But that’ll be it for this chapter. I’ve played ahead a little and wow, am I having fun with the sims once more! I’ve been playing some other games too, but sims 4 is what I’m trying to focus on. I want to complete this legacy around my birthday, which is in August. But we’ll see what happens!

I also wanted to say about my new blog, which is the Thriftys Do Challenges. They were my family for the Easter 2021 challenge, but now they’re my boolprop challenge family. I’m going to focus on the Riley’s but the Thrifty’s are my next challenge to finish. I have plans for even after that but… Let’s focus on one at a time. Anyway, thanks for reading as always! See you next chapter!

5.01 A New Dawn

Welcome back after a long, long, long break. Graphics will change partway down through the chapter. I’m so sorry about that!

We start with a near double homicide via dryer. Yeah, its gonna be one of those generations.

Eli: Are you gonna help us?!

Elizabeth: I swear I did cast an ice spell.

Game: Idles & Threatens to Crash

They are smelly and Eli is still missing her pants but they’re alive.

Ah, theres that ice spell.

Eliza: Whoops! Well I guess I’m off to do some things! Bye moms!

Kat: Shes grounded when she gets back.

Eliza: Hello, I do not wish to be a spellcaster anymore

Sage: Okay. No more spellcaster for you

Sage: Bibitty-Bop-Bam!

And Eliza is left free for another occult to join the family. I already know who the spouse is going to be.

Before we get to that, look at that chin. That’s a chin that only four generations of breeding can create.

Hey, Lilith, how it be?

Lilith: Here to finally give my brother his wish? Good riddens.

That’s right, we’re officially adding a vampire to the mix! And maybe he’ll pass on his chin to the heir. One can only hope.

Someone looks very smug. I guess she’s just happy that she’s getting rid of the spellcaster gene in her family. It’s been going on too long.

Caleb is loving the attention! He freaking should! Considering all the legacies he just shows up in. Don’t worry, Caleb, I’m gonna even give you a second one so you leave me alone for good.

I thought about leaving her human, but I suppose we’re going for a theme. Lilith watches on, happy that Caleb is going to gtfo of her house.

Eliza: Oh god, can I back out now?

Caleb: I’m afraid not, my love.

The good news is, Caleb comes home with us. He’s happy to be living in sunny Del Sol Valley.

Eli is still pantsless. It’s kind of funny at this point. The girls line up and wait for Caleb to serve them. He’s officially the house cook!

These two are so cute. Caleb is always near her, just waiting for her to turn so they can be together for nearly forever. I just figure it’s time to make their friendship bar so we can move onto the good stuff, aka romance.

What a view! I’d say its the best first kiss out of everyone so far.

They make things official and its so very cute!

Caleb settles right in. He’s reading the first vampire novel so he can learn to make plasma packs for him and Eliza.

Kat also goes to snuff him out, though Caleb isn’t afraid. He’s a perfect gentleman, after all.

Daytime comes and Elizabeth realizes there’s something wrong with her. She feels sick. Her stomach is glowing.

Eliza: There better not be an alien baby in there!

Alien baby or not (def not), she’s spending her first day at work. Her coworker breaks his neck he’s so pissed she stole his computer.

She even gets to go to a crime scene! So exciting!

And gets to play with the evidence! Squishy!

She gets home and with a one, two three-

Elizabeth: Gross.

Hey! You look 80% prettier now!

Due to switching over, everyone gets some new cc! It’s exciting!

Kat hides her new makeover by hugging Eliza the moment she walks in the house. Let us have a look at you!

Looking good Caleb!

High graphics really makes a difference. Damn, Kat. I think I’ll leave it here. It just feels good to play and write again. No more long breaks! See you guys in the next part!

4.5 The Long Dark

Well howdy. Its been a while. I got a new job, things are going well for me and I stopped playing this challenge due to not noticing a glitch. The glitch will be revealed at the end of the chapter and I decided to just keep trucking despite it. Its not game breaking, though it does mess up the flow of my game. Anyway, welcome back and let’s go.

We start with both Kat and Eli finishing the fitness skill within moments of each other. Girl bosses.

They celebrate with some stormy lovin’s in the observatory.

Kat reads Eliza some books and Eliza stands there impatiently. She does not want books.

Its winterfest and the winterfest fireplace is placed. Technically its winterfest eve – because i liked to have two days of a holiday for winterfest. I’m weird, I undrestand.

The girls gather together to decorate the tree. Eliza is loving it more than her mothers.

They then admire the tree and I mourn not living in a world where it snows. I love Del Sol Valley, but… I also love a white christmas.

Father Winter is here to bring presents. Kat ignores him. Once again I think of having a baby with him because I never have. Maybe in a later generation.

After he’s done filling presents, she goes and asks him for a personal one. I don’t remember what she got but I’m sure we sell it.

Apparently it sucked.

Eliza got something too! I think it was something she liked. We’ll never know, because its movie time again!

With that, she has completed her career and we now have access to televisions, cameras, and arcade games!

Oh and shes only a two start celebrity lol. I don’t focus on it enough for her to be anything more.

At home, Eliza is hard at work, getting us some more points!

Elizabeth: All I do is work.

Yes but it really pays off.

With that, I figured the girls all did their share of work and earned a vacation, since we can take them.

And that’s how they arrive in this cold mountain area. Kat’s cold weather wear is not appropriate but I won’t be changing it.

Kat: I will die for fashion.

I haven’t really played with the snowy escape pack and wow. How pretty.

Kat is quick to try out the slopes. I figure snowboarding and skiing should be fine at this point, along with most tasks in this area. They’re just here to have fun and let me explore anyway.

Kat: Ew, what are these?

I dunno, pick ’em up!

While out on a hike, she ended up at a pretty shrine. Since she can use a camera now, she took a picture of it and went back to the rental.

Dunno why Elizabeth is sad. Well, I can’t remember anyway. Poor baby.

She goes outside and plays in the snow and seems to perk up a little!

Eli is hiking and sees these… things. They give her a blessing though! Cuties!

Kat tries her hand at rock climbing without supplies. You need a computer to buy them and they can’t have those yet.

Kat: I hate this vacation. Everything is gross and creepy.

You’ve literally been here for one day and Eli and Elizabeth are having fun. Don’t ruin it!

Kat is sent home and Elizabeth and Eli have a good time exploring and going on walks. A day later, we have Kat baking something! What is it?

Why it’s a cake! It’s Eliza’s birthday!

She makes the pro blowing-out-the-candles face.

I took this picture to show how much like Eli Elizabeth is. Same eye shape, same nose, same general face shape. Her mouth is Kat’s however – which is funny. I like Eli’s lip shape but not Kat’s. Of course Eliza would spite me with having the one trait I don’t like about Kat LOL. Anyway, she’s now a Geek and Childish. I think those traits compliment each other.

Kat is getting better at snowboarding and therefore, actually enjoying the vacation!

Don’t worry, Eliza has the iceproof trait and she’s completely fine. She just enjoys jogging on the trials and anytime I leave her alone for a second, shes out jogging. She likes fitness is why! She’s so much like her mothers!

She even tries her hand at rock climbing! Despite the smallness of the wall, all she does is fall and complain, like Kat so I send the three women home.

Now it was here that I had some trouble with my game. I installed a new hard drive onto my computer to try and get her to run better. Shes kind of on her last leg and isn’t doing well. I don’t have the money for a whole new computer but a new hard drive should fix things, except… it made things worse. I couldn’t run sims almost at all on my pc and I had to uninstall it and reinstall it.

I backed up my saves and my mods but… It was running funky. Feck. I uninstall it all again and retry again. Second install seems to work. The game is stable. At this point, Cottage Living comes out and I install it. Test my game, everything seems okay. I leave the Riley family alone for a while, I decide to come back and well…

At first everything is normal. Elizabeth and Eli are talking and chatting, having a good time.

Herman even comes out to say hello that night! The ghosts are still stuck in the basement but I’m planning on building them an above ground crypt when we unlock more rooms.

Some of my CC seems to be missing. I swear that Eli had pants before. That’s not too big a deal though.

Then Elizabeth ages up. I didn’t realize this was wrong at first and just kept playing but then I looked at Kat and Eli’s ages and they’re like 3 days into the adult stage. She should have aged up when they were both very close to the Elder stage.

Elizabeth: What’s this mean?

Well, I gave her an adult makeover and I kept on playing so I guess that means, Generation 4 is over and it’s time for Generation 5. I’ve played into her generation already and it’d be silly to de-age her and try to fix the aging in my game. It’s a glitch I didn’t know would happen and couldn’t help. So here we are.

Elizabeth is a Geek, Childish and Adventurous. These traits are pretty neutral so I’ll be making a poll – Are we a Bad Cop? Or a Good Cop? It’s up to you, the path that she’ll take! I’ve not played enough into her generation to choose, so choose wisely for her!

4.04 Another Bout of Sadness

Before we get into the chapter in true, just a little update on Kat’s skills. She’s completed Acting & Logic since the last time we checked in.

Back to the cute. Eliza is honestly adorable and I love her.

She can read already! She completes the Imagination skill easily.

Onto movement!

Eliza: Yes! Slide is fun!

Since I focus so much on Eliza, Kat is free to do as she wants for the most part. She spends time with Helen, who is getting up there in years. She’s accomplished so much, I’m going to be devastated when she goes.

Kat then has Helen help her with practicing some scenes for work.

Which includes fighting her? Kat, Helen is an old lady! Be gentle!

Ha, this is a little silly. Pretending to freeze her with a simray. Considering, Helen invented those, its really funny.

Eli is getting along well in her career. She has to practice Charisma.

Sadly, I am pulled from watching Eli to seeing that Helen has returned from work “early”… to pass.

Helen: I’m just happy knowing I’ll be with Herman again.

That you will, sweetie. That you will.

Her family comes outside to mourn her. Helen lived a grand life and Grim takes her knowing she did the very best she could in life.

She gets locked downstairs with everyone else and her item is her beloved simray. She brought light to the world and I’m going to miss her so much.

Eliza is trying to concentrate on her skills but its hard with grandma being gone. Helen tucked her into bed every night like clockwork.

Eli tries to help Eliza skill by telling her the generation numbers and what they’ve had to do and what she’s going to have to do.

Eli: Why am I stinky?

Pretty sure you actually got fried somehow. I can’t remember how.

Oh no, she was currently frying. The dryer caught on fire. Luckily, Kat is quicker on her feet than I am. They just have time to put out the fire before Kat runs off to work.

Kat: I am not a fan of this look.

I dunno Kat, I think you look good.

She attempts to kill the rebellion by crushing their back in a “friendly” hug.

Kat: And if you try to steal stuff from my camp, I’ll shove your who head up your-

This is a kid friendly blog, Kat.

Then Kat has no choice but to fight someone for her supplies. Its an epic fight!

That Kat loses.

Kat: That’s not in the script!

Coworker: Oops!

Kat: This is much better.

And then she dies. That’s the end of the movie. It was probably that failed fight. I assume she failed because she’s depressed over Helen’s death.

So with Eli at work, Eliza is given her blocks and taken to the park.

Kat is gonna fish her depression away. When Eli gets home, she’ll come to collect Eliza but for now she’s hanging out at the park near her mother.

I have a mod that helps populate parks depending on the time of day and right now there are a ton of toddlers here. I may download a new version of this park with a toddler area. These poor kids need something to do!

Eliza interacts with some of them, building a dead cowplant sand castle with one who looks very confused.

Eventually she brings it to Kat’s attention that she’s hungry and would like to go home. Kat’s sadness at her mother’s death is gone so they’re allowed to go home.

Back home and twoish days later when everyone isn’t sad anymore, it’s Eli’s birthday!

Pretty as always, Eli!

It’s also Eliza’s birthday! So we just use the same cake!

What a cutie! She’s a Geek!

Kat gets started helping her with her homework right away! Eliza isn’t too thrilled but it’s gotta be done!

She goes to the park to get her social skill but and meets this very human looking boy.

But she get’s this! He’s also got the alien voice? Future spouse? I had an idea in mind for who I wanted her to marry but I might keep Thomas (I believe his name is) in mind.

I have her befriend him just in case.

Since I’m pretty sure she can complete scouts now, I have her join. She’s doing well!

She’d doing pictures right now while both her mothers try to annoy her and keep her from completing them as fast.

Kat: I literally haven’t used magic in twenty years.

Tough. You won’t leave Kat alone and you gotta do something.

She then goes to dance instead of annoying her daughter. She must have learned her lesson.

Another day at work, another day her eyebrows don’t match her wig.

Kat: And that’s a wrap! What a story!

Little not alien but alien boy is over. He and Eliza are very close to being best friends. I don’t really like how he looks but children are hard to judge anyway. I guess I just gotta wait.

Meanwhile her mothers are doing yoga together. They’re both trying to get fit.

Eli really looks miserable doesn’t she? Meanwhile Kat is having a good time even though she decides she hates wellness? Um… okay?

I believe this chapter has gone on long enough. Next time we get Eliza to teenage years and perhaps beyond? I’m not sure as she’s still a child in my game. Thank you for reading as always! Have a nice day!

4.03 Touch

It’s spooky day and Kat is a Maid while her wife Eli is a pirate!

They get a quick spook from the candy bowl and laugh it off even.

Then they have a little a woohoo. A try for a baby actually and we hope that this one actually works. They’ve tried for about a week now and no baby ):

Another day, another gig and Kat is looking good with slightly darker blonde hair!

She practices a little with her co-workers; this is one of the bigger roles she’s had so far.

Kat: I am a typical housewife of the 1950s and I will fix the fridge before my typical husband of the 1950s comes home.

Sterotypical 1950s husband: Wife, you suck

Kat: I am unhappy in this marriage and it feels like a chore.

Kat: We will now kiss so everyone knows that is only a joke and we actually do love each other.

At home, Kat is back to being a regular housewife and she’s working hard to upgrade everything for her little family.

Eloise finishes her workout and comes to use the bathroom and give Kat a smooch. Kat also discovers she’s pregnant though she doesn’t look thrilled. I am though! Babies incoming!!

Helen: I have to pee

Kat: I am two seconds away from finishing this sink, you can wait!

Eli: Babe, you don’t have to work so hard. You’re carrying a baby! You should take it easy!

Kat: We all know thats a trap in this legacy.

Despite her tiny baby bump, she works out for an upcoming gig.

Then does some much more relaxing guitar.

Before we know it, it’s time for another gig!

Think of whatever story you would like for it. We end up doing this exact gig for the next three gigs in a row and I hate it now.

Back home, Kat is back in the observatory. This is also a lowkey baby bump check.

Her work is never done, however. She works very hard, constantly.

What’s the matter Kat?

Kat: Baby is coming

Ah, that would do it.

She moves into her very yellow room, in front of the crib and we wait.

A girl! This is Elizabeth, named for famous actress Elizabeth Taylor! Now, Elizabeth is part of a special generation, the crossroads. We’re going to allow her traits to tell us which way she might go. If she gets more “good” traits, she’ll go down the good path. If she gets more “bad” traits, she’ll go down the bad path. If she gets neutral I guess I’ll be opening the legacy’s first poll!

She is a very spoiled baby and it’s made very apparently very quickly.

Helen: You had me in the second half, I won’t lie. Good job on continuing the legacy!

Kat: Thanks?

Grandma Helen loves Eliza. She is always running to hold, cuddle and feed her.

Eli: Look at my hot wife taking care of our baby.

She’s having a birthday today and you haven’t touched her once, Eloise.

Eli: I don’t plan on it either. Babies are gross.

You don’t have Dislikes Children!!

Kat: Come on, be cute!

Helen: Each generation only gets cuter, so thats a dumb statement.

Everyone, actually meet Elizabeth Riley. She’s adorable! She has Kat’s hair and eyes but a darker skin than Kat, though lighter than Eli.

Baby stuff is thrown on the ground.

Then Eliza is glued to the potty till she gets level 2 of her skill.

Harvest Day is here and I piss of the gnomes one by one.

Appeased after 3 strikes.

It took Kat ten times to appease this little jerwad.

Eliza is just around for the food.

Enjoy this last picture of this cutie playing with paint to get her imagination skill up. And that’s it for my pictures so we’re ending at an awkward spot. Next time, Eliza will def at least get to childhood. Kat is doing well in her career, shes at level 6 or 7 I believe. She’s only a one-star celebrity though. Hopefully we can get further on that soon!

4.02 Oh, Round Lake

Herman: An empty lot

Kat: Our new home!!

That’s right, its finally time to move from the island and find a new home. It took me, no lie, six hours to built their house tho due to all the collection items I had to place.

The room is huge but everything fits nicely within.

And here’s the rest of the house. A massive living/kitchen area, a bathroom, a bedroom. Outside hosts the washer and dryer, plus some skilling items.

Shared bedroom. Bed is for Herman. Helen doesn’t need to sleep.

Kitchen and living area.

Close up of the bathroom.

Okay with that all done, we can get to the gameplay!

Kat works on her Acting skill for work. She’s only level 4 but we want to get promotions.

Herman samples every dish in the fridge.

When Eli comes home, she gets working on her fitness skill. It takes forever to build and like Akira, I don’t see her finishing it.

Helen only has a few days before she ages up so I’m trying to rush her through the microscope collection.

Kat, who also does not need to sleep, is chained to the observatory. She needs to complete the sky-light-thinger collection.

Spoiler: Helen will not complete it before she hits elder.

Herman painted this. We keep it. Its pretty and he doesn’t have much time left. He also now likes painting.

Eloise since contemplating something as I do too. We can have a wedding party this generation buuut I just kinda wanna have the wedding while Kat and Eli are young, before they have their child so…

Its time for a wedding, with two very beautiful brides!

There’s only Kat’s parents in attendance but its enough. Its a sweet little party and everyone is happy.

After, I allow the first Try for a Baby. It does not work and they’re both sad.

We also get our first welcome wagon… ever. Eloise humors them and Kat ignores them.

Helen: Sweet, frickin’ freedom!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn’t push you as hard as your mother.

Helen: I wish to be a cute old lady!


Eloise attempts to help Kat with her goals now that Helen was free to do as she pleased but she hates the microscope and won’t sit there for long so she’s released to work on her fitness skill.

Helen and Herman are still very much in love. Now that they’re both free to do as they like, they’re always together. Either talking or smoochin’.

Kat has another gig brewing and so she’s working on her handiness skill again for it.

She has to research the angry emotion so she goes and does that as well, picking on the first townie she meets.

Townie: Okay, bye jerk!

Kat: Wait, I’m not mean enough yet!

Kat: I’m angry enough my heart might explode

Well, we’re going home then.

Herman: Isn’t it nice to not have to do anything?

Helen: Very nice, its very nice.

Kat: I can hear you jerks!

Kat is spending time upgrading everything between gigs. I’m openly letting her and Eli try for a kid but nothing has happened yet.

Kat also spends time jogging around the neighborhood.

Kat: Its so nice to not “jog” into the water!

Yeah that’s a weird pathing problem.

Kat is out on a jog when Herman’s time is up.

Helen is first on the scene, she and Herman had been talking only moments ago.

The rest of the family quickly gathers to mourn Herman, who didn’t work but was a great spouse and father.

This is why, on his underground grave, he gets a homemade flower. It looks like something Kat could have made him when she was a child and he would have loved such a gift. RIP Herman.

Helen becomes friends with the grim reaper so when it’s her time to go, she at least isn’t too upset. She’s got a while though; shes much, much younger than Herman.

With that tragedy, I think I’ll call the chapter. I’ll miss Herman. I know Helen will. She spent a lot of time with him now that they were both elders. Next time, there might finally be a baby though so…